Dot dot dot...

Here is my little corner of the web... From this vantage point you will get a birds eye view into all things me... Keep your arms and hands inside the car till the ride comes to a complete stop...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Getting anxious

Anxious times are afoot... On one hand were only a couple months away from the new arrival to the family... This being our second one it's not like we don't know what to expect, however there will be life changes with having a second child and it's going to be fun to see how that pans out...

On the other hand I'm expecting to go buy my bike sometime around June which is also getting closer... I know pretty much what I want already... Looking at a Suzuki C50... It's a nice bike and they make a loaded version with most of the accessories I'm interested in already on it... It doesn't help things that the weather has been so beautiful lately, perfect riding weather...

Alas, for the moment all I can do is wait...

Suzuki C50T Posted by Hello

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentines Day!

Yet another holiday is upon us...

Admittedly I'm not a fan of most holidays but this is one of the few that I've come to enjoy since meeting my wife...

So today's task is to stop by a gardening store on the way home and pick up something nice to go with her card... For the record I waited till last minute because my plan is to pick up a living plant that would have otherwise died hidden away in a cupboard...

Anyway, on a personal note I'd like to wish my wife a happy valentines day... I love you dear...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Google Goggle

It has been a very interesting week for internet exploration for me... For both professional and personal reasons I keep a close eye on internet services and resources... One business that has really caught my eye over the last week more than any other has been Google...

Previously I had only thought of Google in terms of their search engine but they have some new very exciting services coming out... In particular I've been very impressed by Google Suggest, Google Gmail, and Google Maps... These new services may seem like your typical search engine or mail system but the differences (though subtle) really set them apart in my opinion...

Google Suggest is an enhancement to their normal search form... While you type in the search criteria it will suggest words you might be looking for as well as how often those words come up in search results... This is very much like the autocompletion you'll find in many desktop applications... Spend some time searching with this and you'll start to see it's value... I've found that at times I'd be starting to type out my keywords and based on it's suggestions add other words resulting in more accurate searches...

Another big item from Google is Gmail... This is their new mail service... Among other things this service boasts being able to search mail and group mail threads together in an easy to use interface... While it supports use of external mail programs I've found so far that their web interface is far more powerful (yet simple) for mail management than most stand alone mail readers I've seen... They also suggest you "archive" instead of delete your email as they give you 1000 megs of storage... I'm a little unclear as of yet what the "archive" process does with your mail but from testing it's still accessible and searchable though it's not visible in your immediate inbox... The web interface is clean, quick, and easy to use... It's a definite winner...

Finally Google Maps is also making a big splash... Personally I've found it easier to pull up streets and directions than most map services... Their use of dynamic web content also adds to its success with sharp easy to read bubbles, smooth scrolling of maps, and dynamic sizing of the map based on your browsers current display area... Though a small thing, I really like their use of semitransparent lines for driving directions... Many sites use solid lines which can make reading the map under the line difficult... This isn't the case with Google Maps...

All three of these tools are making it to my internet surfing arsenal... At the time of this writing they're all in beta but, with the exception of Gmail, available for testing... Give them a spin and see for yourself...